Wednesday, June 29, 2011

About ATMA 2012, ATMA Entrance Exam Date, Results, Notification

Welcome to ATMA 2012, ATMA Exam 2012 Section. Here you will find ATMA Entrance Exam 2012 Syllabus, Dates, Notification, Results, Paper Pattern, Preparation, Coaching Institutes, Centers, Classes, Centres in India,  Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Kota, Pune, Chandigarh.

ATMA - AIMS Test for Management Admissions is comprehensive and single-window test conducted by Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS) . ATMA has been approved by the Ministry of Human Resource Development of the Government of India for admission on All India Basis to the MBA / PGDM and other Postgraduate Programmes like MCA.

The Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS)


ATMA 2012

ATMA 2012 Eligibility:- Bachelor's degree in any discipline. Students appearing for their final year examinations are also eligible to apply.

ATMA 2012 Test Centres:-

Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar,Chandigrah, Chennai, Cochin, Coimbatore, Delhi, Noida, Goa, Guwahati, Gwalior, Hyderabad, Indore, Jabalpur, Jaipur, Kanpur, Kolhapur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Madurai, Mumbai, Nasik, Nagpur, Nashik, Patna, Pune Raipur, Ranchi, Sangli, Trichy.

How to apply for ATMA 2012 ?

Candidates desirous of taking ATMA should first collect ONLINE application kits, which will be available from December 14, 2009 from ATMA Office, at Panaji, Goa, AIMS Office, Hyderabad, different IMS Learning Centres, Axis Bank, Career Forum, Cerebral Heights, Career Launcher & PT-Education Centres and AIMS member institutes across the country LISTED BELOW by paying Rs.900/- (Rupees nine hundred only) in cash or by sending a demand draft for Rs.950/- (Rupees nine hundred and fifty only) (includes postal charges) favouring " Association of Indian Management Schools" payable at Hyderabad from “Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS), House No: 8-3-677/57 A, Plot No. 57, Street No. 6, Yellareddiguda, Hyderabad – 500 073. Tel: 040 – 23750247/8.

ATMA 2012 Important Dates / Notification:-

ATMA 2012 Exam Date:- To be Announce Soon


For more Details visit to:-

ATMA 2012 Paper Pattern:-

The test Contains 170 Questions spread over Six Sections. Each Section is timed separately. Total time of the Test is 3 hours. The questions cover Analytical Reasoning Skills, Quantitative Skills, and Verbal skills

ATMA Syllabus 2012:-

The Test contains Questions on three abilities or skills.  These are:

    * Analytical Reasoning Skills
    * Quantitative Skills
    * Verbal Skills

Analytical Reasoning Skills:-

The Questions on Analytical Skills examine the logical thinking abilities of a candidate.  Do remember that a particular Question is less important than the reasoning task you are asked to perform.  No specialized knowledge of any particular field is required for answering the questions, and no knowledge of the terminology and conventions of formal logic is presumed.

In the Questions on Analytical Skills you need to analyse the situations on which each Question is based and then select the answer choice that is most appropriate response to the question.
Each set of Questions or group of Questions is based on a passage or set of conditions.  In answering some of the Questions, it may be useful to draw a rough diagram.  For each Question, select the best answer from the choices given, Darken the corresponding oval in the answer sheet.

Quantitative Skills:-

The ATMA Quantitative Skills Questions measure your ability to reason Quantitatively, solve Quantitative problems, and interpret graphic data.

Types of multiple – choice Questions include:

   1. Problem-Solving
   2. Data Sufficiency

Problem – Solving and Data Sufficiency Questions require basic knowledge of:

   1. Arithmetic
   2. Elementary algebra
   3. Commonly known concepts of Geometry

For each Question in Quantitative Skills sections, select the correct or the best of the answer choices numbered (1), (2), (3) and (4) and darken the oval corresponding to your choice in the answer sheet.
Number: All numbers are real numbers.
Figures:  Position of points, angles, regions, etc., can be assumed to be positive.
Lines drawn as straight can be assumed to be straight.
Figures that accompany questions are intended to provide information useful in answering the questions.

However, unless it is stated, a specific figure is not drawn to scale; the diagrams and figures are drawn as accurately as possible; you should solve these problems NOT by estimating sizes by sight or by measurement, but using your knowledge of mathematics.

Verbal Skills:-

The ATMA Verbal Skills sections measure your ability to read and comprehend written material in English language, to reason and evaluate arguments, and to correct written material to conform standard written English.  Because the Verbal sections include reading sections from different context areas, you may be generally familiar with some of the material, however, neither the written passages nor the questions assume detailed knowledge of the topics discussed.

Types of Multiple Choice questions used in Verbal sections include:

   1. Reading comprehension
   2. Sentence Correction
   3. Word meaning – antonyms, synonyms, analogies – your ability to recognize relationships among words and concepts, parallel relationships, etc.
   4. Sentence completions – your ability to recognize words or phrases that both logically and stylistically complete the meaning of a sentence.

In brief, the questions in Verbal Skills sections test your recognition of correct grammatical usage, vocabulary, and familiarities with words, your understanding and comprehension of the language (English) while reading and your ability to write clearly and briefly.

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