Directions—(Q. 1–10) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
When sound …(1)…, the world of cinema, mime made a gracious exit. …(2)… then, it stood proudly as a performing art in itself, independent and …(3)… in style, approach, treatment and performance not matched however, by …(4)… acceptance. During the silent era, actors in silent films had to …(5)… totally on mime as the only way of …(6)… their emotions, expressions, incidents, events and interactions between and among characters. German Expressionist cinema, the acting of classic performers like Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton used mime they had …(7)… as part of their theatrical …(8)… in their films with great effect. A French mime artist once said, “Mime is the poetry of silence.” But once talking …(9)… entered the scenario, mime was …(10)… ever used in films, even through a character introduced as a mime artist.
1. (A) entered
(B) came
(C) saw
(D) became
(E) featured
Ans : (A)
2. (A) From
(B) So
(C) Since
(D) By
(E) Until
Ans : (C)
3. (A) single
(B) fair
(C) dependent
(D) unique
(E) treacherous
Ans : (D)
4. (A) drama
(B) conclusion
(C) opinion
(D) judgement
(E) popular
Ans : (E)
5. (A) portray
(B) act
(C) rely
(D) depict
(E) earn
Ans : (C)
6. (A) mentioning
(B) designing
(C) stimulating
(D) expressing
(E) considering
Ans : (D)
7. (A) worked
(B) learnt
(C) qualified
(D) bought
(E) invested
Ans : (B)
8. (A) experience
(B) showings
(C) vision
(D) distance
(E) story
Ans : (A)
9. (A) toys
(B) worlds
(C) films
(D) people
(E) mimes
Ans : (C)
10. (A) and
(B) hardly
(C) then
(D) thus
(E) for
Ans : (B)
Directions—(Q. 11–15) Rearrange the following five sentences (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.
(a) A small wooden nest box is all it has taken to rekindle all the romance of bringing sparrows and other birds back into our cities and halt them from fading into the past like a forgotten folktale.
(b) There is something wrong with a city that remains unperturbed even as its birds desert it.
(c) Thankfully, the situation is not as hopeless as it seems.
(d) Much as we try to defend the seemingly irreversible modern life of these cities, we can’t stop our hearts from crying when we realize that our rapidly degenerating urban eco-system isn’t generous enough to let these delicate winged creatures build tiny little nests in its nooks and crannies, sit in solitude, and rear offspring.
(e) And this desertion seems to be true with most metros in India where house sparrows have almost become a thing of the past.
11. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) (a)
(B) (b)
(C) (c)
(D) (d)
(E) (e)
Ans : (B)
12. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) (e)
(B) (d)
(C) (c)
(D) (b)
(E) (a)
Ans : (A)
13. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) (a)
(B) (b)
(C) (c)
(D) (d)
(E) (e)
Ans : (D)
14. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) (e)
(B) (d)
(C) (c)
(D) (b)
(E) (a)
Ans : (C)
15. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) (a)
(B) (b)
(C) (c)
(D) (d)
(E) (e)
Ans : (A)
Directions—(Q. 16–20) Which of the phrases (A), (B), (C) and (D) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct ? If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required, mark (E) as the answer.
16. After keeping a ten-year-old in detention for around six days, the police finally registered a case of fraud against the child and sent him to jail.
(A) has finally register
(B) final registered
(C) is finally registration
(D) is final registering
(E) No correction required
Ans : (E)
17. Whichever reasons, there is no denying the changing attitudes to traditions as well as livelihoods, and by implication to the environment as well.
(A) Whichever the reasoning
(B) Whichever reasoned
(C) Whatever reasoning
(D) Whatever the reasons
(E) No correction required
Ans : (D)
18. Visiting the village is like be transported into some other century.
(A) alike to transport
(B) like being transported
(C) likely to be transporting
(D) likes transport
(E) No correction required
Ans : (B)
19. Environmentalists has pay little heed to the ‘softer’ aspects of the movement, of which the need to change our culture is one of the most important.
(A) is paying little heed
(B) are paying little heeding
(C) has paid little heeds
(D) have paid little heed
(E) No correction required
Ans : (D)
20. Even in a changing world, we cannot wishes away the Indian nation and replace it with a world government overnight.
(A) Cannot wish away
(B) Can never wishing out
(C) Cannot wish out
(D) Never wishes out
(E) No correction required
Ans : (A)
Directions—(Q. 21–25) Each question below has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank which best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
21. We can feel morally ……… when someone insults us – as long as we do not ……… upon those feelings by burning down houses.
(A) challenged, stand
(B) outraged, act
(C) bound, build
(D) obliged, think
(E) violated, harp
Ans : (B)
22. Human beings are biological ………, they need to be grounded in time and place or else they come ……….
(A) things, forward
(B) souls, back
(C) organisms, unhinged
(D) features, undone
(E) creatures, again
Ans : (E)
23. ……… their golden years of love and togetherness, the couple ……… all their guests at their fiftieth wedding anniversary.
(A) Celebrating, welcomed
(B) Remembering, asked
(C) Rejoicing, promised
(D) Commemorating, brought
(E) Observing, greeted
Ans : (A)
24. Since it does not have the …… to do anything beyond sending out notices, the corporation has now decided to take steps to attach movable properties such as cars so that people take the notices more ……….
(A) authority, appropriately
(B) influence, justly
(C) guts, sincerely
(D) pressure, gravely
(E) power, seriously
Ans : (E)
25. A new law has been passed stating that no actor would be allowed to shoot beyond twelve hours in a day and those who ……… this norm would henceforth be ……… for it.
(A) followed, punished
(B) accompanied, reprimanded
(C) flouted - penalized
(D) defied, applauded
(E) obeyed, disciplined
Ans : (C)
Directions—(Q. 26–35) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error; the answer is (E). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
26. It is only now, (A) / sixty years after independence, that (B) / India is learning how to negotiating (C) / the competing demands of power and justice. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (C)
27. The graceful folk dance had performed (A) / so beautifully by a dance group that nobody (B) / seemed to notice that (C) / the show was two-and-a-half hours long ! (D) No error (E)
Ans : (A)
28. The actor, that was (A) / busy meeting and greeting people, (B) / made sure that this day became (C) / an extra special one for his parents. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (A)
29. Farmhouse owners in the city, (A) / who were till now paid property tax (B) / for only the built-up area of the plot, will soon (C) / have to pay tax to the government for vacant land also. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (B)
30. A time sheet diary is to be (A) / maintained by every actor, since (B) / producers constantly complain that they are (C) / forced shooting for late hours because actors come very late. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (D)
31. Injected into the blood, (A) / tiny bubbles of gas can ease (B) / the passage of vital stroke drugs into the brain, (C) / helping in prevent damage to the grey matter. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (D)
32. Since universities have more (A) / space on their campuses, they (B) / have been asked to open fire detection control rooms (C) / as a mandatory measure. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (C)
33. District police arrested (A) / a gang of notorious robbers (B) / who were planning to strike at (C) / a house in the vicinity. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (A)
34. Households across the State are either opting for (A) / a more modest lifestyle or compromising on (B) / the nutritional value of their food in efforts to negate (C) / the price rise of essential commodities, cereals, vegetables and fruits. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (C)
35. The fire that gutted (A) / years for research in the chemistry and biochemistry labs (B) / of the University building was (C) / due to short circuit. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (B)
Directions—(Q. 36–50) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
In February 2010 the Medical Council of India announced a major change in the regulation governing the establishment of medical colleges. With this change, corporate entities were permitted to open medical colleges. The new regulation also carried the following warning : “permission shall be withdrawn if the colleges resort to commercialization”. Since the regulation does not elaborate on what constitutes “resorting to commercialization”, this will presumably be a matter left to the discretion of the Government.
A basic requirement for a new medical college is a pre-existing hospital that will serve as a teaching hospital. Corporate entities have hospitals in the major metros and that is where they will have to locate medical colleges. The earlier mandated land requirement for a medical college campus, a minimum of 25 acres of contiguous land, cannot be fulfilled in the metros. Not surprisingly, yet another tweak has been made in the regulation, prescribing 10 acres as the new minimum campus size for 9 cities including the main metros. With this, the stage is set for corporate entities to enter the medical education market.
Until now, medical education in India has been projected as a not-forprofit activity to be organised for the public good. While private bodies can run medical colleges, these can only be societies or trusts, legally non-profit organizations. In opening the door to corporate colleges, thus, a major policy change has been effected without changing the law or even a discussion in Parliament, but by simply getting a compliant MCI to change the regulation on establishment of medical colleges. This and other changes have been justified in the name of addressing the shortage of doctors. At the same time, over 50 existing medical colleges, including 15 run by the government, have been prohibited from admitting students in 2010 for having failed to meet the basic standards prescribed. Ninety per cent of these colleges have come up in the last 5 years. Particularly shocking is the phenomenon of government colleges falling short of standards approved by the Government. Why are state government institutions not able to meet the requirements that have been approved by the central government ? A severe problem faced by government-run institutions is attracting and retaining teaching faculty, and this is likely to be among the major reasons for these colleges failing to satisfy the MCI norms. The crisis building up on the faculty front has been flagged by various commissions looking into problems of medical education over the years.
An indicator of the crisis is the attempt to conjure up faculty when MCI carries out inspections of new colleges, one of its regulatory functions. Judging by news reports, the practice of presenting fake faculty – students or private medical practitioners hired for the day – during MCI inspections in private colleges is common. What is interesting is that even government colleges are adopting unscrupulous methods. Another indicator is the extraordinary scheme, verging on the ridiculous that is being put in place by the MCI to make inspections ‘foolproof’. Faculty in all medical colleges are to be issued an RFID-based smart card by the MCI with a unique Faculty Number. The card, it is argued, will eliminate the possibility of a teacher being shown on the faculty of more than one college and establish if the qualifications of a teacher are genuine. In the future, it is projected that biometric RFID readers will be installed in the colleges that will enable a Faculty Identification, Tracking and Monitoring System to monitor faculty from within the college and even remotely from MCI headquarters.
The picture above does not even start to reveal the true and pathetic situation of medical care especially in rural India. Only a fraction of the doctors and nursing professionals serve rural areas where 70 per cent of our population lives. The Health Ministry, with the help of the MCI, has been active in proposing yet another ‘innovative’ solution to the problem of lack of doctors in the rural areas. The proposal is for a three-and-a-half year course to obtain the degree of Bachelor of Rural Medicine and Surgery (BRMS). Only rural candidates would be able to join this course. The study and training would happen at two different levels – Community Health Centers for 18 months, and sub-divisional hospitals for a further period of 2 years – and be conducted by retired professors. After completion of training, they would only be able to serve in their own state in district hospitals, community health centres, and primary health centres.
The BRMS proposal has invited sharp criticism from some doctors’ organizations on the grounds that it is discriminatory to have two different standards of health care – one for urban and the other for rural areas, and that the health care provided by such graduates will be compromised. At the other end is the opinion expressed by some that “something is better than nothing”, that since doctors do not want to serve in rural areas, the government may as well create a new cadre of medics who will be obliged to serve there. The debate will surely pick up after the government formally lays out its plans. What is apparent is that neither this proposal nor the various stopgap measures adopted so far address the root of the problem of health care.
The far larger issue is government policy, the low priority attached by the government to the social sector as a whole and the health sector in particular, evidenced in the paltry allocations for maintaining and upgrading medical infrastructure and medical education and for looking after precious human resources.
36. What solution is being offered by the Health Ministry for the shortage of doctors in rural areas ?
(A) Increase the number of government run hospitals in the rural areas thereby increasing the number of doctors catering to the people in these regions.
(B) Make it mandatory for doctors serving in the urban areas to serve in the rural areas for a specific number of years
(C) Set up increasing number of community health centres in rural areas
(D) Hire retired professors of medicine to offer medical help to people living in the rural areas till the time more doctors are appointed
(E) Run a separate medical course for three and a half years which can be taken up only by rural candidates who would ultimately serve in the rural areas
Ans : (E)
37. Why have some existing medical colleges been prohibited from admitting students ?
(A) As these have adopted corrupt practices and have been taking huge donations from their students
(B) As all these colleges were illegally set up and were not approved by the government in the first place
(C) As the course offered by these colleges is not in line with the course offered by the government run colleges
(D) As these have failed to meet the norms set by the central government for running the college
(E) As there are absolutely no faculty members left in these colleges to teach students
Ans : (D)
38. Which of the following is/are the change/s announced by the MCI in the regulation governing the establishment of medical college?
(a) Allowing the commercialization of medical colleges.
(b) Reducing the earlier mandated land requirement for a medical college campus for metros.
(c) Allowing corporate bodies to open medical colleges.
(A) Only (b)
(B) Only (a) and (b)
(C) Only (c)
(D) Only (b) and (c)
(E) All (a), (b) and (c) are true
Ans : (D)
39. Which of the following are the different opinions regarding the BRMS proposal ?
(a) At least a small step has been taken to improve the healthcare facilities in the rural areas through this proposal.
(b) There should be uniform healthcare facilities available for people living in both rural and urban area
(c) The healthcare providers through this proposal would not be up to the mark.
(A) Only (a)
(B) Only (a) and (b)
(C) Only (b) and (c)
(D) Only (b)
(E) All (a), (b) and (c)
Ans : (C)
40. Which of the following is possibly the most appropriate title for the passage ?
(A) Healthcare in India – The Questionable Changes
(B) Medical Centres in Rural India
(C) Commercialization of Medical Education in India
(D) The Medical Council of India
(E) The BRMS Proposal – The Way Out for Rural India
Ans : (A)
41. What is one of the major problems faced by the government–run medical institutions ?
(A) Dearth of land required for the setting up of medical institutions
(B) Lack of funds for running the colleges
(C) Dearth of teaching faculty
(D) Excessive competition from colleges run by corporate bodies
(E) Dearth of students opting for these colleges
Ans : (C)
42. What is the idea behind the MCI putting in place the RFID-based smart card ?
(a) To monitor and track faculty from MCI headquarters in the future.
(b) To put a stop to the practice of colleges of presenting fake faculty members.
(c) To verify the authenticity of faculty member qualifications.
(A) Only (a) and (b)
(B) All (a), (b) and (c)
(C) Only (c)
(D) Only (b) and (c)
(E) Only (b)
Ans : (B)
43. What is the author’s main intention behind writing this passage ?
(A) To make the general public aware of the healthcare facilities available in India
(B) To bring to light the problems faced by the healthcare sector in India despite changes suggested and goad the government into attaching priority to the sector
(C) To bring to light the problems faced by rural people in terms of healthcare facilities and thus exhort urban doctors to serve in the rural areas
(D) To make the general public aware of the benefits arising from the changes brought about by the MCI in the healthcare sector
(E) To urge the corporate bodies to look into the matter of healthcare facilities in the rural areas
Ans : (B)
Directions—(Q. 44–47) Choose the word/group of words which is most similar in meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage.
(A) highlighted
(B) stopped
(C) bannered
(D) caused
(E) hoisted
Ans : (A)
(A) remaining tiny
(B) limiting
(C) stumbling upon
(D) just satisfying
(E) not meeting
Ans : (E)
(A) forbidden
(B) pressed
(C) allowed
(D) sent
(E) forced
Ans : (C)
(A) wicked
(B) pleasing
(C) appalling
(D) electrifying
(E) scandalous
Ans : (C)
Directions—(Q. 48–50) Choose the word/group of words which is most opposite in meaning to the word/ group of words printed in bold as used in the passage.
(A) corrupt
(B) even
(C) constant
(D) honest
(E) measured
Ans : (D)
(A) mild
(B) thin
(C) blunt
(D) rounded
(E) pointed
Ans : (D)
(A) fixed
(B) unyielding
(C) stagnant
(D) obedient
(E) negative
Ans : (B)
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