Wednesday, June 29, 2011

CAT Preparation, Online Study Materials, What to study? Basic Information

Welcome to CAT Preparation Section.  Here you will find How to Prepare for CAT Exam 2012, CAT Preparation Tips & CAT Books and CAT 2012 Preparation Online Sample Papers.
CAT test consists of questions that evaluate a candidate’s quantitative, verbal, and logical & data interpretation abilities. Therefore, there are a total of three sections in the test. There will be about 60 questions in the test.
Quantitative Section:- CAT Quantitative Section Broadly categorized as Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry. These topics that appear in CAT are of high school level.

Data Interpretation:- Data Intrepretation section can be broadly classified as comprising two types of questions.

Data Interpretation (DI):- In this section questions data is presented either in the form of a table or a bar chart or a pie chart or a line graph or as a combination of one of these formats.
Data Sufficiency (DS):- Every Data Sufficiency problem consists of a question followed by two statements

Logical Reasoning:- Logical Reasoning is always the toughest part of CAT. In CAT LR questions usually comes with 2/3 bits . A paragraph is given with full of information followed by 2/3 questions. You have to read it and use your logic to answer the questions. In 3 sections CAT paper there is no special section on LR but one can expect LR questions to be present in any section.

Reading Comprehension:- A typical 100 marks section of verbal comprises Verbal ability and reasoning section and the Reading Comprehension section.

General Awareness:- Current Affairs, Business, Punch line of companies, Top officials of big companies, Major corporate events

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