Saturday, June 11, 2011

The National Law Institute University Admission to Ph.D., Diploma and PG Diploma in Law

Name of Institute / University

The National Law Institute University

Courses Offered

The National Law Institute University, Bhopal invites applications
for admission to the following courses 2011:-

1. Ph.D. Programme (Regular Mode) :-
I. Ph.D. Program (Law)
II. Ph.D. Program in Intellectual Property Rights.

2. P.G. Diploma Regular Mode : -

I. One Year P.G. Diploma in Environment Law, Science
and Technology. Approved by U.G.C. under innovative programme.

II. One Year Post Graduate Diploma in Cyber Law, run by
Rajiv Gandhi National Cyber Law Centre

3. P.G. Diploma through Distance Learning : One Year Post
Graduate Diploma in Cyber Law, run by Rajiv Gandhi National
Cyber Law Centre.


The minimum eligibility is two years LL.M. Degree with at least 55% Marks in the aggregate for Ph.D. Programme and Graduate
Degree from a recognized university for P.G. Diploma Programme.

How To Apply

The prescribed Application Form may be downloaded from our website or may be obtained from the office of the undersigned.

Application Form Fee : Rs. 1500/- for Ph.D. and 500/- for P.G. Diploma to be remitted through a Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director, N.L.l.U., Bhopal.

Duly filled in application form must reach to the office of the undersigned latest by July 17, 2011.

Contact Details

Kerwa Dam Road, Bhopal – 462044 M.P.
Tel: 0755-2696965, 970

Last date for receipt of form

17 July 2011

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