Monday, June 6, 2011

SSC Combined Graduate Level (Tier-I) Exam, 2010 : English Comprehension Solved Paper Held on 16-5-2010

S.S.C. Combined Graduate Level [(Tier-I) Second Shift] Exam., 2010(Held on 16-5-2010)English Comprehension : Solved Paper

Directions—(Q.1–5) Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given bold word and indicate your correct response.

1. Jettison
(A) Accept
(B) Reward
(C) Preserve
(D) Consent
Ans : (C)

2. Ameliorate
(A) Improve
(B) Depend
(C) Soften
(D) Worsen
Ans : (D)

3. Grotesque
(A) Natural
(B) Odd
(C) Whimsical
(D) Sinful
Ans : (A)

4. Devious
(A) Straight
(B) Obvious
(C) Simple
(D) Superficial
Ans : (C)

5. Evanescent
(A) Imminent
(B) Permanent
(C) Pervasive
(D) Immanent
Ans : (B)

Directions—(Q. 6–10) In these questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given bold word and indicate your correct alternative.

6. Debacle
(A) Decline
(B) Downfall
(C) Discomfiture
(D) Degeneration
Ans : (B)

7. Ostracise
(A) Banish
(B) Belittle
(C) Beguile
(D) Besiege
Ans : (A)

8. Prophylactic
(A) Antagonistic
(B) Toxic
(C) Preventive
(D) Purgative
Ans : (C)

9. Coddle
(A) Huddle
(B) Satisfy
(C) Protect
(D) Cheat
Ans : (C)

10. Flimsy
(A) Funny
(B) Irrational
(C) Weak
(D) Partisan
Ans : (B)

Directions—(Q. 11–15) In these questions, a part of the sentence is bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at (A), (B) and (C) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no
improvement is needed your answer is (D).

11. To get into the building I’ll disguise as a reporter—
(A) disguise to be
(B) disguise as one
(C) disguise myself
(D) No improvement
Ans : (C)

12. He denied that he had not forged my signature—
(A) would not forge
(B) had forged
(C) did not forge
(D) No improvement
Ans : (B)

13. If I had played well, I would have won the match—
(A) I played well
(B) I play well
(C) I am playing well
(D) No improvement
Ans : (D)

14. Since the records are missing, the possibility of paying more than one compensation for the same piece of land cannot be ruled aside
(A) out
(B) off
(C) away
(D) No improvement
Ans : (A)

15. A callous system generates nothing but a misanthrope—
(A) develops
(B) induces
(C) produces
(D) No improvement
Ans : (C)

Directions—(Q. 16–20) In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence and indicate the appropriate alternative.

16. One who hides away on a ship to obtain a free passage—
(A) Compositor
(B) Stoker
(C) Stowaway
(D) Shipwright
Ans : (C)

17. Clues available at a scene—
(A) Circumstantial
(B) Derivative
(C) Inferential
(D) Suggestive
Ans : (A)

18. An unexpeced piece of good fortune—
(A) Windfall
(B) Philanthropy
(C) Benevolence
(D) Turnstile
Ans : (A)

19. An emolument over and above fixed income or salary—
(A) Honorarium
(B) Sinecure
(C) Perquisite
(D) Prerogative
Ans : (C)

20. The animals of a particular region—
(A) Flora
(B) Museum
(C) Zoo
(D) Fauna
Ans : (D)

Directions—(Q. 21–25) In the following questions, groups of four words are given. In each group, one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word and mark your answer.

21. (A) Parapharnelia
(B) Parsimonious
(C) Peccadilo
(D) Peadiatrics
Ans : (B)

22. (A) Measureable
(B) Manageable
(C) Marriagable
(D) Manoevrable
Ans : (B)

23. (A) Tussel
(B) Tunnle
(C) Tumble
(D) Trable
Ans : (C)

24. (A) Populus
(B) Pompuous
(C) Prelious
(D) Presumptuous
Ans : (D)

25. (A) Impromptue
(B) Illustrious
(C) Illusery
(D) Impetous
Ans : (B)

Directions—(Q. 26–30) In the following questions, the Ist and the last sentences of the passage are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the passage is split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentence and find out which of the four combinations is correct. Then find the correct answer and indicate the appropriate alternative.

26. 1. The most vulnerable section of the society are the students.
P. Revolutionary and new fledged ideas have a great appeal to them.
Q. Agitations may be non-violent methods of protest.
R. They cannot resist the charm of persuasion.
S. They are to be taught that without discipline they cannot get proper education.
6. However if these become violent, the antisocial elements get encouraged and they put all proper working
out of gear.
Ans : (A)

27. 1. Venice is a strange city.
P. There are about 400 odd bridges connecting the islands of Venice.
Q. There are no motor cars, no horses and no buses there.
R. These small islands are close to one another.
S. It is not one island but a hundred islands.
6. This is because Venice has no streets.
Ans : (D)

28. 1. One of the most terrible battles of the American Civil War was fought in July 1863, at Gettysburg.
P. The chief speech on that occasion was given by Edward Everett, a celebrated orator.
Q. Lincoln was asked to make a few remarks.
R. In November of that year a portion of the battlefield was dedicated as a final restingplace for men of both armies who died there.
S. Everett’s speech lasted 2 hours; Lincoln’s for 2 minutes; it was over almost before the crowd realized that it had begun.
6. But the Gettysburg speech, is now one of the world’s immortal pieces of literature.
Ans : (C)

29. 1. The teacher training agency in England hopes to make teaching one of the top three professions.
P. They have also demanded that the campaign should be matched by improved pay scales, work load and morale so as to avoid recruitment problems with an aim to raise the image of the teaching profession.
Q. A series of advertisements are now being screened showing famous people speaking about teachers they remember and admire.
R. An amount of $ 100 million has been set aside to combat the shortage of applicants for teacher training.
S. Teacher Unions have welcomed this campaign.
6. It is high time for the Indian Government also to think on similar lines and take steps to lift up the sinking morale of the teaching profession.
Ans : (C)

30. 1. Some say that failure is like toxic waste.
P. I see failure more as a fertilizer.
Q. Thinking about it pollutes and undermines the attitudes needed for success.
R. The seeds of success must be planted afresh.
S. It can be used to enrich the soil of your mind.
6. Turning failure into a fertilizer is accomplished by using your errors as steps in learning.
Ans : (D)

Directions—(Q. 31–35) In the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active Voice/Passive Voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice and indicate your correct answer.

31. The agent had disclosed the secret before it was evening—
(A) The secret was disclosed by the agent before it was evening
(B) The secret had disclosed by the agent before it had been evening
(C) The secret had been disclosed by the agent before it was evening
(D) The secret was disclosed by the agent before it had been evening
Ans : (C)

32. Surely the lost child must have been found by now—
(A) Surely must have found the lost child by now
(B) Surely some one must have found the lost child by now
(C) Surely now must have found the lost child
(D) Now must have found the lost child surely
Ans : (B)

33. We serve hot meals till 10•30, guests can order coffee and sandwiches upto 11•30—
(A) Hot meals are serving till 10•30; coffee and sandwiches are ordering by guests till 11•30
(B) Hot meals are being served till 10•30; coffee and sandwiches are being ordered till 11•30
(C) Hot meals are served till 10•30; coffee and sandwiches may be ordered till 11•30
(D) Hot meals will be served till 10•30; coffee and sandwiches will be ordered upto 11•30
Ans : (C)

34. Lie facedown; stretch your arms in front—
(A) You are facedown, arms are to be outstretched
(B) You should be lying facedown, with arms outstretched
(C) You should be lying face down; lest arms stretch out
(D) Let face be down; let arms be stretched out
Ans : (B)

35. The Greeks expected to win the international trophy—
(A) It was expected that the Greeks would win the international trophy
(B) The international trophy was expected to be won by the Greeks
(C) It was expected that the Greeks will win the international trophy
(D) It was expected by the Greeks that they would win the international trophy
Ans : (D)

Directions—(Q. 36–40) In the following questions you have a brief passage with 5 questions following the passage. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and indicate your correct alternative.

In May 1966, the World Health Organisation was authorised to initiate a global campaign to eradicate smallpox. The goal was to eradicate the disease in one decade. Because similar projects for malaria and yellow fever had failed, few believed that smallpox could actually be eradicated but eleven years after the initial organisation of the campaign, no cases were reported in the field.

The strategy was not only to provide mass vaccinations, but also to isolate patients with active smallpox in order to contain the spread of the disease and to break the chain of human transmission. Rewards for reporting smallpox assisted in motivating the public to aid health workers. One by one, each smallpox victim was sought out, removed from contact with others and treated. At the same time, the entire village where the
victim had lived was vaccinated.

Today smallpox is no longer a threat to humanity. Routine vaccinations have been stopped worldwide.

36. Which of the following is the best title for the passage ?
(A) The World Health Organisation
(B) The Eradication of Smallpox
(C) Smallpox Vaccinations
(D) Infectious Diseases
Ans : (B)

37. What was the goal of the campaign against smallpox ?
(A) To decrease the spread of smallpox worldwide
(B) To eliminate smallpox worldwide in ten years
(C) To provide mass vaccinations against smallpox worldwide
(D) To initiate worldwide projects for smallpox, malaria and yellow fever at the same time
Ans : (B)

38. According to the paragraph what was the strategy used to eliminate the spread of small pox ?
(A) Vaccination of the entire village
(B) Treatment of individual victims
(C) Isolation of victims and mass vaccinations
(D) Extensive reporting of outbreaks
Ans : (C)

39. Which statement doesn’t refer to smallpox ?
(A) Previous projects had failed
(B) People are no longer vaccinated for it
(C) The World Health Organisation mounted a worldwide campaign to eradicate the disease
(D) It was a serious threat
Ans : (B)

40. It can be inferred that—
(A) no new cases of smallpox have been reported this year
(B) malaria and yellow fever have been eliminated
(C) smallpox victims no longer die when they contract the disease
(D) smallpox is not transmitted from one person to another
Ans : (C)

Directions—(Q. 41–45) In the following questions, some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error and indicate corresponding to the appropriate letter (A, B, C). If there is no error, indicate corresponding to letter (D).

41. Judge in him (A) / previaled upon the father (B) / and he sentenced his son to death. (C) No error (D)
Ans : (B)

42. Nine tenths (A) / of the pillar (B) / have rotted away. (C) No error (D)
Ans : (C)

43. One major reason (A) / for the popularity of television is (B) / that most people like to stay at home. (C) No error (D)
Ans : (D)

44. Our efforts are aimed (A) / to bring about (B) / a reconciliation. (C) No error (D)
Ans : (B)

45. Three conditions critical (A) / for growing plants are soil, temperature, chemical balance or (B) / amount of moisture. (C) No error (D)
Ans : (B)

Directions—(Q. 46–50) In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each questions. Choose the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it.

46. The court …… cognisance of the criminal’s words.
(A) took
(B) made
(C) gave
(D) allowed
Ans : (A)

47. …… wins this civil war there will be little rejoicing at the victory.
(A) Whichever
(B) Whoever
(C) Whatever
(D) Wherever
Ans : (B)

48. As he got older his belief in these principles did not ……
(A) wither
(B) shake
(C) waver
(D) dither
Ans : (B)

49. Everyone in this world is accountable to God ……… his actions.
(A) about
(B) for
(C) to
(D) over
Ans : (B)

50. Your father used to be the principal of this college ……
(A) did he ?
(B) does he ?
(C) didn’t he ?
(D) doesn’t he ?
Ans : (C)

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