151. What are the principal functions of the International Labour Organization :
(A) The formulation of International Standards in the form of International labour conventions and recommendations
(B) Formulation of labour union in every country
(C) Formulation of labour law in every country
(D) None of the above
152. Division for public Administration and Development Management is related with :
(A) Common Wealth
153. What is the programme and budget set out for strategic objectives of the International Labour Organization :
(A) to promote and realise fundamental principles and rights at work
(B) To create greater opportunities for women and men to secure decent employment and income
(C) To enhance the coverage and effectiveness of social protection for all, to strengthen tripartism and social dialogue
(D) All the above
154. Which new Convention was adopted by the 87th International Labour Organization in June 1999 :
(A) Banning the worst forms of child labour
(B) Banning the labour union in regional level
(C) Banning the labour union in International level
(D) promote labour efficiency in physical work
155. How many members of countries of Industrial importance hold permanent seats on the governing body of the International Labour Organization :
(A) 5
(B) 10
(C) 6
(D) 8
156. Which are the countries of industrial importance holding permanent seats on the governing body of the International Labour Ogranisation :
(A) Brazil, China, Germany and France
(B) India, Italy and Japan
(C) Russia, UK and USA
(D) All the above
157. How many member countries are elected after every three years in the International Labour Organisation :
(A) 18
(B) 17
(C) 16
(D) 15
158. In which year has the UN established the International Maritime Organisation :
(A) 1969
(B) 1979
(C) 1959
(D) 1989
159. Which of the following report is published every year by the World Bank :
(A) World Development Report
(B) Human Development Report
(C) World Trade Development Report
(D) International Finance and Development Report
160. Official languages of the UN are :
(A) Chinese, English, French and Urdu
(B) Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish
(C) English, French, Spanish, Russian and Urdu
(D) Hindi, English, Spanish and Arabic
161. What are the main functions of International Maritime Organization :
(A) To facilitate co-operation among governments on technical matters effecting merchant shipping
(B) Safety of sea
(C) To prevent and control marine pollution caused by ships, to facilitate international maritime traffic
(D) All the above
162. Which became one of the last original 51 member of the UN:
(A) Italy
(B) Germany
(C) Poland
(D) India
163. Which of the following was awarded Noble Peace Prize?
(A) Kofi Annan
(B) U Thant
(C) Ban ki Moon
(D) Javier Perez de Cueller
164. What are the aims of International Monetary Fund:
(A) To promote international monetary co-operation
(B) The expansion of international trade and exchange rate stability
(C) To assist in the removal of exchange restricting and the establishment of a multilateral system of payment
(D) All the above
165. The second world conference on Human Rights was held in :
(A) Vienna
(B) Geneva
(C) New York
(D) Havana
166. India's Dr. Homi Jahangir Bhabhas has has been the President of the :
167. Which countries have the largest quotas of capital resources in the International Monetary Fund :
(A) USA and Germany
(B) Japan and France
(C) UK
(D) All the above
168. How many members are of the International Law Commission?
(A) 64
(B) 54
(C) 44
(D) 34
169. How many executive directions are there in the Board of Governors in the International Monetary Fund:
(A) 23
(B) 24
(C) 28
(D) 29
170. Where is the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund :
(A) Paris
(B) Geneva
(C) Washington
(D) New York
171. Which nation has the eligibility to become President of the World Bank :
(A) Japan National
(B) USSR National
(C) India National
(D) US National
172. The members of the International Law Comm- ission are elcted by :
(A) Security Council
(B) General Assembly
(C) International Court of Justic
(D) Human Rights Council
173. When was the International Telecommunications Union established :
(A) 1864
(B) 1865
(C) 1869
(D) 1876
174. When did International Telecommunications Union become a Specialized Agency of the UN :
(A) 1948
(B) 1946
(C) 1947
(D) 1945
175. What are the main functions of the International Tele- communication Union :
(A) To maintain and extend international co-operation for the improvement and rational use of telecommunication of all kinds.
(B) Promote and offer technical assistance to developing countries in the field of telecommunications.
(C) To promote the development of technical facilities and their most efficient operation to improve the efficiency of telecommunications service.
(D) All the above
176. Where is the headquarters of the International Tele- communications Union :
(A) Geneva
(B) New Delhi
(C) New York
(D) London
177. Which of the following pair is not correct?
(A) World Summit for Children — New York
(B) World Food Summit — Rome
(C) World Conference in Human Rights — Geneva
(D) World Summit for Social Development — Copenhagen
178. When was the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) constitution signed in London :
(A) 4th November, 1948
(B) 16th November, 1949
(C) 16th November, 1945
(D) 16th November, 1942
179. How many countries were in the UNESCO when its constitution was signed in London on 16th November, 1945 :
(A) 37
(B) 38
(C) 32
(D) 35
180. Established by the General Assembly in 1966, UNIDO became a UN specialised agency in :
(A) 1980
(B) 1985
(C) 1990
(D) 1995
181. In what way UNESCO's primary objectives contribute to peace and security in the world :
(A) Education, Science
(B) Communication culture and justice
(C) Rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms
(D) All the above
182. What is the main work regarding education by the UNESCO :
(A) To provide basic education for all, expand access to basic education
(B) Improve the quality of basic education
(C) Education for the 21st century
(D) All the above
183. Which of the following pair is not correct :
(A) IAEA — New Delhi
(B) WTO — Geneva
(C) UPU — Berne
(D) IMF — Washington
184. Where is the headquarters of the UNESCO :
(A) New Delhi
(B) London
(C) Paris
(D) New York
185. In which country UNESCO Science Co-operation Office has been set-up :
(A) Cairo, Jakarta
(B) Nairobi, New Delhi
(C) Montevideo, Venice
(D) All the above
186. How many member countries are there in the Executive Board of UNESCO :
(A) 68
(B) 58
(C) 28
(D) 88
187. What are the UNESCO's focus areas in the cultural field :
(A) The link between culture and development
(B) Action to conserve and protect the world cultural inheritance
(C) By assisting member states in studying and preserving both physical and the non-physical heritage of their societies
(D) All the above
188. Whose part is the International Bureau of Education :
(D) None of the above
189. When did UN General Assembly establish UN Industrial Development Organization :
(A) 1968
(B) 1966
(C) 1967
(D) 1965
190. What are the aims of the UN Industrial Development Organization :
(A) Helps developing countries on the issue of fight against marginalization and poverty
(B) Helps developing countries
(C) Mobilizes knowledge, skills, information and technology to promote productive employment, a competitive economy and sound environment
(D) All the above
191. Where is the headquarters of the UN Industrial Development Organization :
(A) Vienna, Austria
(B) New Delhi
(C) Washington DC
(D) None of the above
192. When was the Universal Postal Union (UPU) establish:
(A) 1889
(B) 1874
(C) 1886
(D) 1885
193. Where is the headquarters of the Universal Postal Union :
(A) Switzerland
(B) UK
(C) Iran
(D) India
194. When did World Health Organization (WHO) come into force:
(A) 6th April, 1948
(B) 7th April, 1948
(C) 10th April, 1948
(D) 26th April, 1948
195. What are the functions of the World Health Organization :
(A) To assist government to strengthen their health services
(B) To assist advance work to eradicate diseases
(C) To promote maternal and child health
(D) All the above
196. Where is the headquarters of World Health Organization :
(A) Geneva, Switzerland
(B) London, UK
(C) New Delhi, India
(D) None of the above
197. When is World Health Day observed every year :
(A) 8th April
(B) 10th April
(C) 7th April
(D) 9th April
198. When does World Health Organization organise ‘World Aids Day’ :
(A) 1st December
(B) 2nd December
(C) 10th December
(D) 15th December
199. Which of the following awarded Noble Peace Prize for three times?
(A) Human Rights Council
(B) World Bank
(C) International Committee of the Red Cross
(D) UN Peacekeeping forces
200. Where is the headquarters of Pan American Health Organization :
(A) Washington DC
(B) Ottawa
(C) New York
(D) Mexico
Answers :(A) The formulation of International Standards in the form of International labour conventions and recommendations
(B) Formulation of labour union in every country
(C) Formulation of labour law in every country
(D) None of the above
152. Division for public Administration and Development Management is related with :
(A) Common Wealth
153. What is the programme and budget set out for strategic objectives of the International Labour Organization :
(A) to promote and realise fundamental principles and rights at work
(B) To create greater opportunities for women and men to secure decent employment and income
(C) To enhance the coverage and effectiveness of social protection for all, to strengthen tripartism and social dialogue
(D) All the above
154. Which new Convention was adopted by the 87th International Labour Organization in June 1999 :
(A) Banning the worst forms of child labour
(B) Banning the labour union in regional level
(C) Banning the labour union in International level
(D) promote labour efficiency in physical work
155. How many members of countries of Industrial importance hold permanent seats on the governing body of the International Labour Organization :
(A) 5
(B) 10
(C) 6
(D) 8
156. Which are the countries of industrial importance holding permanent seats on the governing body of the International Labour Ogranisation :
(A) Brazil, China, Germany and France
(B) India, Italy and Japan
(C) Russia, UK and USA
(D) All the above
157. How many member countries are elected after every three years in the International Labour Organisation :
(A) 18
(B) 17
(C) 16
(D) 15
158. In which year has the UN established the International Maritime Organisation :
(A) 1969
(B) 1979
(C) 1959
(D) 1989
159. Which of the following report is published every year by the World Bank :
(A) World Development Report
(B) Human Development Report
(C) World Trade Development Report
(D) International Finance and Development Report
160. Official languages of the UN are :
(A) Chinese, English, French and Urdu
(B) Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish
(C) English, French, Spanish, Russian and Urdu
(D) Hindi, English, Spanish and Arabic
161. What are the main functions of International Maritime Organization :
(A) To facilitate co-operation among governments on technical matters effecting merchant shipping
(B) Safety of sea
(C) To prevent and control marine pollution caused by ships, to facilitate international maritime traffic
(D) All the above
162. Which became one of the last original 51 member of the UN:
(A) Italy
(B) Germany
(C) Poland
(D) India
163. Which of the following was awarded Noble Peace Prize?
(A) Kofi Annan
(B) U Thant
(C) Ban ki Moon
(D) Javier Perez de Cueller
164. What are the aims of International Monetary Fund:
(A) To promote international monetary co-operation
(B) The expansion of international trade and exchange rate stability
(C) To assist in the removal of exchange restricting and the establishment of a multilateral system of payment
(D) All the above
165. The second world conference on Human Rights was held in :
(A) Vienna
(B) Geneva
(C) New York
(D) Havana
166. India's Dr. Homi Jahangir Bhabhas has has been the President of the :
167. Which countries have the largest quotas of capital resources in the International Monetary Fund :
(A) USA and Germany
(B) Japan and France
(C) UK
(D) All the above
168. How many members are of the International Law Commission?
(A) 64
(B) 54
(C) 44
(D) 34
169. How many executive directions are there in the Board of Governors in the International Monetary Fund:
(A) 23
(B) 24
(C) 28
(D) 29
170. Where is the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund :
(A) Paris
(B) Geneva
(C) Washington
(D) New York
171. Which nation has the eligibility to become President of the World Bank :
(A) Japan National
(B) USSR National
(C) India National
(D) US National
172. The members of the International Law Comm- ission are elcted by :
(A) Security Council
(B) General Assembly
(C) International Court of Justic
(D) Human Rights Council
173. When was the International Telecommunications Union established :
(A) 1864
(B) 1865
(C) 1869
(D) 1876
174. When did International Telecommunications Union become a Specialized Agency of the UN :
(A) 1948
(B) 1946
(C) 1947
(D) 1945
175. What are the main functions of the International Tele- communication Union :
(A) To maintain and extend international co-operation for the improvement and rational use of telecommunication of all kinds.
(B) Promote and offer technical assistance to developing countries in the field of telecommunications.
(C) To promote the development of technical facilities and their most efficient operation to improve the efficiency of telecommunications service.
(D) All the above
176. Where is the headquarters of the International Tele- communications Union :
(A) Geneva
(B) New Delhi
(C) New York
(D) London
177. Which of the following pair is not correct?
(A) World Summit for Children — New York
(B) World Food Summit — Rome
(C) World Conference in Human Rights — Geneva
(D) World Summit for Social Development — Copenhagen
178. When was the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) constitution signed in London :
(A) 4th November, 1948
(B) 16th November, 1949
(C) 16th November, 1945
(D) 16th November, 1942
179. How many countries were in the UNESCO when its constitution was signed in London on 16th November, 1945 :
(A) 37
(B) 38
(C) 32
(D) 35
180. Established by the General Assembly in 1966, UNIDO became a UN specialised agency in :
(A) 1980
(B) 1985
(C) 1990
(D) 1995
181. In what way UNESCO's primary objectives contribute to peace and security in the world :
(A) Education, Science
(B) Communication culture and justice
(C) Rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms
(D) All the above
182. What is the main work regarding education by the UNESCO :
(A) To provide basic education for all, expand access to basic education
(B) Improve the quality of basic education
(C) Education for the 21st century
(D) All the above
183. Which of the following pair is not correct :
(A) IAEA — New Delhi
(B) WTO — Geneva
(C) UPU — Berne
(D) IMF — Washington
184. Where is the headquarters of the UNESCO :
(A) New Delhi
(B) London
(C) Paris
(D) New York
185. In which country UNESCO Science Co-operation Office has been set-up :
(A) Cairo, Jakarta
(B) Nairobi, New Delhi
(C) Montevideo, Venice
(D) All the above
186. How many member countries are there in the Executive Board of UNESCO :
(A) 68
(B) 58
(C) 28
(D) 88
187. What are the UNESCO's focus areas in the cultural field :
(A) The link between culture and development
(B) Action to conserve and protect the world cultural inheritance
(C) By assisting member states in studying and preserving both physical and the non-physical heritage of their societies
(D) All the above
188. Whose part is the International Bureau of Education :
(D) None of the above
189. When did UN General Assembly establish UN Industrial Development Organization :
(A) 1968
(B) 1966
(C) 1967
(D) 1965
190. What are the aims of the UN Industrial Development Organization :
(A) Helps developing countries on the issue of fight against marginalization and poverty
(B) Helps developing countries
(C) Mobilizes knowledge, skills, information and technology to promote productive employment, a competitive economy and sound environment
(D) All the above
191. Where is the headquarters of the UN Industrial Development Organization :
(A) Vienna, Austria
(B) New Delhi
(C) Washington DC
(D) None of the above
192. When was the Universal Postal Union (UPU) establish:
(A) 1889
(B) 1874
(C) 1886
(D) 1885
193. Where is the headquarters of the Universal Postal Union :
(A) Switzerland
(B) UK
(C) Iran
(D) India
194. When did World Health Organization (WHO) come into force:
(A) 6th April, 1948
(B) 7th April, 1948
(C) 10th April, 1948
(D) 26th April, 1948
195. What are the functions of the World Health Organization :
(A) To assist government to strengthen their health services
(B) To assist advance work to eradicate diseases
(C) To promote maternal and child health
(D) All the above
196. Where is the headquarters of World Health Organization :
(A) Geneva, Switzerland
(B) London, UK
(C) New Delhi, India
(D) None of the above
197. When is World Health Day observed every year :
(A) 8th April
(B) 10th April
(C) 7th April
(D) 9th April
198. When does World Health Organization organise ‘World Aids Day’ :
(A) 1st December
(B) 2nd December
(C) 10th December
(D) 15th December
199. Which of the following awarded Noble Peace Prize for three times?
(A) Human Rights Council
(B) World Bank
(C) International Committee of the Red Cross
(D) UN Peacekeeping forces
200. Where is the headquarters of Pan American Health Organization :
(A) Washington DC
(B) Ottawa
(C) New York
(D) Mexico
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