Saturday, June 4, 2011

University of Delhi Admission to M.Sc. (Computer Science), MCA, PGDCA - (Entrance Date Schedule: For MCA: 4th July, 2011 M.Sc. (Computer Science): Sunday, 26th June, 2011)

Name of Institute / University
University of Delhi
Courses Offered
Applications are invited for admission to the following programmes:

Master of Computer Applications (MCA ) - 3 Years

M.Sc. (Computer Science) - 2 Years

Post-Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications (PGDCA)
(A) Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

(a) (i) B.Sc. (Honours) Computer Science (10+2+3 scheme) from University of Delhi or any other University whose examination is recognized as equivalent to University of Delhi with 60% marks in aggregate.

(a) (ii) Any bachelor degree from the University of Delhi with atleast one paper in Mathematical Sciences under annual mode/ atleast two papers in Mathematical Sciences in semester mode or an equivalent degree. Minimum percentage required 60% marks in aggregate (Relaxation of 5% marks for the candidates belonging to SC/ST categories).

(B) M.Sc. (Computer Science)

(a) (i) B.Sc. (Honours) Computer Science (10+2+3 scheme) from University of Delhi or any other University whose examination is recognized as equivalent to University of Delhi with 60% marks in aggregate

(ii) B.Sc. Applied Physical Sciences with Mathematics and Computer Science / B.Sc.(General) Mathematical Sciences, (10+2+3 scheme) with Mathematics and Computer Science from University of Delhi or any other University whose examination is recognized as equivalent to University of Delhi. Minimum Percentage required: 60% marks in the aggregate along with 60% marks in Computer Science and Mathematics separately.

(iii) Any Bachelor’s Degree of University of Delhi or an equivalent examinations, with at least six papers in Computer Science and two papers in Mathematics under Semester system / at least four papers in Computer Science and one paper in Mathematics under Annual Examination System. Minimum Percentage required 60% marks in the aggregate, and 60% marks in Computer Science and Mathematics separately. (Relaxation of 5% marks for the candidates belonging to SC / ST categories for all of the three above) (b)

The candidates who are appearing in the final year examinations of the degree on the basis of which admission is sought [as mentioned above in B (a)] are also eligible to apply.

Age Limit: (i) No person shall be eligible for admission to first year of the MCA / M.Sc. (Computer Science) course in the University unless he / she is twenty years of age before the first day of October of the year in which he/she seeks admission.
How To Apply
All applications are downloadable from the university website

Application Fee For:

MCA / M.Sc. (Computer Science) Rs. 800 for General Category Rs. 400 for SC / ST / PH Category

Mode of Payment: Payment should be made by crossed Bank Draft only in favour of “Registrar, University of Delhi” payable at New Delhi
Contact Details
Department of Computer Science, 1st Floor, New Academic Block, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110007
Tel: +91-11-27667591, 27667059
Fax: +91-11-27662553
Last date for receipt of form
15 June 2011
Entrance Date Schedule:

For MCA: 4th July, 2011

M.Sc. (Computer Science): Sunday, 26th June, 2011

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