Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Central Hindi Directorate Admission to Certificate, Diploma and Advanced course on Hindi by Post Last date for receipt of form 15 August 2011

Name of Institute / University

Central Hindi Directorate

Courses Offered

Applications are invited from Non-Hindi speaking Indians, Foreigners and NRIs for admission to the following Hindi Correspondence Courses:

1. Certificate Course in Hindi (Preliminary Course/Middle Level)

2. Diploma Course in Hindi (Subsequent to Certificate Course/ Secondary Level)

3. Advance Diploma Course in Hindi (Sr. Secondary Level)


1. Certificate Course in Hindi -
(1) Indians whose mother tongue is not Hindi and who have attained the minimum age of 15 years as on 1.7.2011.

(2) Foreigners/Indian Nationals/Settlers residing abroad the minimum age of 10 as on 1/7/2011 irrespective of their mother tongue.

2. Diploma Course in Hindi - Subsequent to the Certificate Course is open to those who fulfill (I) above and have either passed Certificate Course conducted by Central Hindi Directorate or who possess sufficient background of Hindi or who have appeared in Certificate Course Examination in May 2011.

3. Advance Diploma Course in Hindi - It is open to all Indians and foreigners residing in India or abroad whose mother tongue is not Hindi. Minimum age limit for admission as on 1/7/2011 is 17 years.

How To Apply

Fee for Certificate / Diploma Course in Hindi.

A fee of Rs. 50/- from candidate residing in India and US Dollars $ 50 or Pound 30 or equivalent to Indian currency from candidate residing abroad is charged for each course.

Fee for Advance Diploma Course in Hindi

(1) Candidate residing in India - Rs. 200/-
(2) Candidate residing abroad - US$ Dollars 200 or Pound 120.
Where Dollar or Pound is not a currency then equivalent to the currency of the concerned country will be accepted. Fee can be remitted by crossed Postal Order or Bank Draft in favour of the Director, Central Hindi Directorate, payable at New Delhi.

Fee sent through Money Order or Chegue is not acceptable. Application
without the prescribed fee will be summarily rejected.

In case an applicant residing abroad finds it difficult to remit fee in hard currency on account of local foreign exchange restrictions, he/she is advised to deposit the fee in equivalent local currency with Indian Mission / Embassy in the country where he/she is residing and send us the receipt in Original.

The receipt must bear the name of the candidate and the amount equivalent to Indian currency.

The closing date for submission of filled up application forms along with fee is 15/08/2011. However, the session will start from 1/7/2011 .

The applications may also be submitted at E-mail address dd.cc.chd@gmail.com

(Format of the application form is given in Paper. This format can be neatly written, typed/photocopied.

Application form should be neatly filled in English only.)

Applications must be sent to:

The Deputy Director,
Department of Correspondence Courses,
West Block – 7, R.K. Puram, New Delhi – 110 066

Contact Details

Department of Correspondence Courses, West Block – 7, R.K. Puram, New Delhi – 110 066

Last date for receipt of form

15 August 2011

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